在报告中他提到,“数字鸿沟”扩大了“教育鸿沟”,加深了教育的不公平性。数字鸿沟并不只是简单意义上的技术之间的差别,2003年联合国秘书长安南曾将说过,“The so-called digital divide is actually several gaps in one.There is a technological divide—greatgaps in infrastructure. There is a contentdivide - A lot of web-based information is simply notrelevant to the real needs of people. And nearly 70 per cent of theworld’s websites are in English at times crowding out local voicesand views. There is a gender dividewith women and girls enjoying less access to information technologythan men and boys. This can be true of rich and poor countriesalike”.也就说明了数字鸿沟的真正内涵。苗博士认为:Digital Divide refers to differences inresources and capabilities to access and effectively utilize ICTfor development that exist within and between countries, regions,sectors & socio-economic groups.他从下面的图中展示了技术载体的拥有量和财富拥有量之间的关系,我们也能够看出来数字鸿沟之大。
Source: ITU (2008), Report on the WorldSummit on the Information Society Stocktaking
“Since wars begin in the minds ofmen, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must beconstructed.” Preamble of the UNESCO Constitution (1945)
为天地立心,为生民立命; 为往圣继绝学,为后世开太平。
作为一名研究生,更多地应该关注世界,放眼国际。 |