Warm Tips :thefollowing ten images are from professor Jiao Jianli’s PPT onEducation Technology in Kunming Peak Forum in 2009. Only to studyand communicate, I am here serious to hereby declare it.Importantly, Thanks again for prof. Jiao. Believe inyour vision, but follow the evidence!(Richard E. Clark) Theflexibility and creativity in teaching exists in the mind ofexperienced professionals, rather than the model.(Walter Dick) Technology isthe answer, but what was the question?(Donald P. Ely) The field ofInstructional Design and Technology is not lacking fuel, butfire. (Micheal J. Hannafin) All I havedone were to change learning culture. I would like for every courseto be problem-based. (David H. Jonassen) The field ofeducational technology should continue to develop as a science inwhich theories are tested against data. (Richard E. Mayer) Even thoughan instructional product may have high quality production withbeautiful multimedia if it does not promote the acquisition ofknowledge and skill and the ability to apply these to the solutionof real world problems it has no value. Our job, as instructionaldesigners, is to help develop instruction that is effective,efficient and engaging and that really does teach.(M. David Merrill) Increasingly,Instructional literature is pointing out the need for theories ofinstruction which are consistent with emerging cognitivepsychology. (Charles M. Reigeluth) Do not becomeblindfold followers of the new media immediately.(Robert A. Reiser) |