It is the first antiseptic to be used in surgery.
sept= to rot 烂
antiseptic adj. 防腐的
anti 抗 + sept 烂 + ic …的 → 防腐的
aseptic adj. 洁净的;无菌的
a 无 + sept 烂 + ic 某种药 → 洁净的;无菌的
aseptic n. 防腐剂
septic adj. 腐败的;败血病的
sept 烂 + ic 某种药 → 腐败的;败血病的
septicity n. 腐败性
septic 腐败的;败血病的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 腐败性
septicize v. 使有脓毒,使腐败
septic 腐败的;败血病的 + ize 使 → 使有脓毒,使腐败
Great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic. [url=][/url] 一定要注意保持手术室的无菌状态。 A dirty cut may go septic.
伤口不干净容易受感染。 bacteria [bækˈtɪəriə] The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.